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Selectmen Minutes 03/25/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Member Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Pat Clark, John Martell, Jim Plunkett, Michelle Plunkett, Lucille Noel, Alan Quimby, John Freeman, Chad Roberge, Fred Chagnon, Ann Davis, Philip Hitchcock, Jason Weir, Alan Mayville

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Department Heads

Police Department- Chief Clarke informed the selectmen that he and Jon Martell attended an emergency notification class and that people can now register their call phones number as well. I have cruiser quotes. Irwin will not quote. Grappone won the state contract for the sedan cruiser and Irwin was awarded the utility vehicle. I am recommending we move forward with Grappone.
Grappone        $23,722
Hillsboro       $23,995

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to waive the three bid rule of the purchasing policy as an attempt to acquire three bids was made and to award the 2014 Ford Utility Interceptor in the amount $26,022 minus the trade amount for the impala of $2,300 for a total amount of $23,722 to Grappone Ford. Motion Passes.

Emergency Management- John Martell and Pat Clark attended a workshop on the emergency notification system. Can we look into putting the Emergency notification system link to on the town website?

Fire Department – Alan Quimby we have been busy. There was a sugar shack fire on Bear Hill Road as well as assisting other towns too. I did receive three quote on the spring repair.
Lakes Region            $2,200
Donovan Spring          $1,994.70
Palmer Spring           $2,223.24

The truck is at Lakes Region right now.

Mr. Paveglio asked how are you planning on paying for this.

Chief Quimby stated I was thinking out of the Government Vehicle Maintenance Expendable trust.

Mr. Paveglio –stated I think this does fall under this major repair.

Mr. Jordan stated I do not believe that this should be paid out of that fund

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the spring repair for the 1989 Pierce Heavy Rescue to be paid out of the Government Vehicle Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund to Lakes Region. Motion Passes.

Engine 3 will be returning to Chichester on Friday

Building Department - John Freeman stated he has issued 8 permits. One for a new house located at 189 Main Street. Yesterday I issued a building permit for Coleman Concrete.

Regular permits are being issued.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated they started filling potholes on the gravel roads and Thursday we will be hot topping as well as beginning sign work. Pat and I were talking about the posting of Pleasant Street and we were wondering how you want to approach that. Some of this is finished product but not all of it.

Mr. Jordan stated we established that was an agricultural enterprise. They can bring 50% in and sell it off the property.

Mr. Paveglio asked why don’t we bring them in and talk to them about this. Maybe see if anything has changed.

Mr. DeBold asked Jodi to invite them in next week with the Police Chief and the Road Agent

Mr. Plunkett stated if the weather holds we still have approximately 250 tons of salt remaining. The three us have to be certified in culvert installation and all of us will be taking this 2 day course.

Mr. Jordan asked if the roads have been posted.

Mr. Plunkett stated yes they are posted and I believe they are in the paper at the same time every year.

Mr. Jordan stated it is my understanding that people need to be notified 10 days prior.

Mr. Plunkett stated he had spoken with Jamie and that this was taken care.

Mrs. Pinard read the ordinance regarding seasonal weight limits. This ordinance was put into effect in March 2011.

Library - Lucille Noel stated they are still pursuing heating options. We have just formulated the ad for the library aide, and it will be placed in the Concord Monitor and Suncook Sun. On 4/12 we will be playing the movie Frozen at 6:30, 4/9 the Ukrainian Egg workshop at 6:30, as well as World Book Day is April 23. May 19 Library Trustees with be going to the conference. We have set dates for book sales as well.

Avitar Associates – Abatement Discussion

Chad Roberge from Avitar – We accepted abatements until March 3. The majority of the remaining abatements remaining are commercial. Of the residential abatements it was the majority was older homes. A lot of the reason was the practice of if the home looked great on the outside they thought it was great on the inside. I have done a lot of the inside visits and adjusted the condition on these if necessary. An issue I have been having with commercial is USPAP manual. I have no way of knowing how they applied values. A lot of the abatements have to do with frontage.

Mr. DeBold stated I looked through and found the same things.

Mr. Roberge stated I am not sure how it was done.

Mr. Paveglio stated I have a concern about some of the questions that you are asking regarding abatements.

Mr. Roberge stated in commercial we need income information to come up with what it would be sold for now. We would take the current income information and then take the market data. We then used those values to come up with what that commercial property is worth. If we did not get the income data we would use $400 to $500 per lot in lot rent a mobile home park. So it is better to use the actual number from the owner. Sales, Net operating income and cost per square foot for rental space. CAP approach gives you the best approach. Sales is more for commercial properties does not work the best because usually if commercial properties are selling then they are losing money.

Mr. Roberge stated I have completed about 75% of the abatements filed.

Mr. DeBold stated we have a lot of information here and we will start tackling these and going through the process.

Mr. Roberge stated they were calling a lot of the older homes excellent when in actuality they were not and adjustments needed to be made.

7:00pm - Public Hearing on the sale/transfer of rights to a portion of range way  located on Map 7 Lot 4 pursuant to RSA 41:14-a
Mr. DeBold reviewed the request of the property quit claim the rights to this range way. We also needed feedback from the Planning Board, and Conservation Commission. The town attorney did not have an issue with this occurring. It was stated that if the selectmen were comfortable with this then it did not see any issue moving forward.

Mr. Jordan asked if the opinion is that the land reverts to the owners then why are we here?

Jason Weir stated I stopped by the conservation commission and they had an interesting perspective such as that they are excited that no road with go through there.

Lucille Noel stated the Heritage Commission did some research regarding the range ways. We do not have a lot that follow the range ways but we do have some and Canterbury Road was one of them. It is very interesting. There was more for information.

Mr. Plunkett asked will the decision made on this range road be granted to all range roads.

Mr. DeBold stated this will be a case by case basis as we would have to issue a deed.

Mr. Plunkett asked will you be granting these to all those who apply? Will the same process have to be followed?

Mr. DeBold stated yes this is a very open and transparent process so everyone will have to follow the same the process.

Close the public hearing 7:10pm. Second Public Hearing will be Held April 8 at 7pm.

General Business/Board Discussion:

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint the following:
Philip Hitchcock        RAC                     2016
Rena Baker              Deputy Treasurer        2015
Donna Stockman  Welfare Director        2015
Patrick Clarke  Deputy EMD              2015
John Martell            EMD                     2015
Alan Quimby             Fire Chief              2017            

Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint the following selectmen to the following committees:
Richard DeBold          ZBA                     2015
Richard DeBold  RAC                     2015
Jeffrey Jordan  Planning Board  2015            

Motion Passes.

Tax Deeding

Map 4 Lot 15
10 Dove Road $196,250 owed.
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the tax deed from the Chichester Tax Collector for the property Map 4 Lot 15, 10 Dover Road all land and buildings 35.1 acres. Motion Passes

Map 3 Lot 15 -18 Mobile Home Owned $2,549.

Map 3 and Lot 68B – 362 Dover Road
The Board of Selectmen signed the Deed Waiver

Lease for Backhoe/Loader
Mr. Plunkett – Handed the selectmen all three bids. I am recommending Milton CAT. These are all local and parts are easy to come by which was an issue previously. There is not state bid for this type of equipment. Warranty includes hydraulics, electronics, and power train.
John Deere              $100,270
Case                    $102,000
Milton CAT              $ 98,000

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the lease purchase agreement of the Backhoe/Loader with Milton CAT model  410K TMC Backhoe Loader in the amount of $98,000 and a yearly payment of $10,729. Motion Passes.

Town Wide Yard Sale - The Chichester Firefighters Association is hosting a town wide yard sale on June 7, 2014 and would like permission to use the Town Hall Parking Lot; so granted.

Community Roadside Cleanup – Jamie Pike will be in charge of the Community Roadside Cleanup it will be held April 26. Residents can contact him with any questions and information will also be on the website.

Selectmen Meeting Time Change – Mrs. Pinard stated reasons why a 6pm start would be more efficient.

Jason Weir stated that it is difficult for people who live further away.

Mr. DeBold stated I would not like to make the decision tonight. I would like to discuss it next week.

Outstanding Items:

90 Suncook Valley Road –
Mr. Fiorentino asked why don’t we dig a shallow well and see if this works.

Mr. DeBold asked will you get enough volume with a shallow well. Are you suggesting a shallow well and test the water.

Mr. Fiorentino –stated I don’t know about water and I don’t know what is involved with digging a well in shoreline protection. I like going a smart way. The system they talked about is too large for me.

Mr. DeBold stated I think it is a good question and double check on this.

Mr. Fiorentino stated in the next couple of months we will be ready to go and get this situation figured out. The system they wanted to put in is too big. Let’s do something simple.

Mr. DeBold stated I just have a concern about maybe not having enough volume. We would need to have a written agreement.

Mr. DeBold stated that we would look into this and get back to Mr. Fiorentino

Mr. Plunkett stated I took a sample from the pond at the end of Bear Hill and the driveway. I took it over the DES to be tested for salt content.

Heritage Commission
Lucille Noel stated in June the replacement of the windows in the Grange Hall I just need approval. Also there is a program on the 24th of April - Preservation Alliance individual Property easements, Barn Easements, extended policy for 79E community vitizational tax relieve.

Non-Public Session – 91-A:3 II (a) –The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into Non-public under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit Non-public under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the minutes indefinitely of the Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan
Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator
Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael      PaveglioJeffrey Jordan